"As Violetta, American soprano Rachel Willis-Sørensen is the soul of the new production by the LA Opera"
The Hollywood Times
"As Violetta, American soprano Rachel Willis-Sørensen is the soul of the new production by the LA Opera"
The Hollywood Times
“Rachel Willis-Sørensen in the leading role, provides opera newcomers and seasoned aficionados alike with the perfect opportunity to see why Verdi's masterpiece has held its place as one of the most beloved of all operas."
Broadway World
“American soprano Rachel Willis-Sorensen was a wonderful Ariadne"
Ludwig van Toronto
"There was powerful dramatic singing from Rachel Willis-Sorensen as Ariadne.”
South China Morning Post
“Rachel Willis-Sorensen, sehr groß, mit üppigem Sopran... der sinnlich-fraulichen von Rachel Willis-Sorensen auf geradezu unwahrscheinliche Weise zu einer Mischung mit ganz eigenem, zauberischem Aroma.”
“Rachel Willis-Sorensen als Elsa scoort in het eerste bedrijf al met onverwachte klankschone momenten. De stem is zeer gefocusseerd waardoor ze zelfs in stille passages moeiteloos te horen is. Ze leidt de grote finales met het koor. Met haar warme sopraan en haar prachtige, erg zinnelijke dramatische uithalen manifesteert ze zich als een ideale Elsa.”
“As Antonia, Rachel ample soprano lived perfectly on the edge. [...] Her voice allowed to soar into full flight, growing more passionate with each line until she ascended all the way to a thrilling climactic high note that erupted brilliantly into the hall. And then we got the soprano's softest singing of the night as she strode on stage, her final utterances hushed whispers. It was a perfect payoff both musically and dramatically to everything we'd heard and seen throughout the act.”