None of the six, though, stands out more than Willis-Sørensen, who combines suitable power with an impressive range of nuanced timbral shadings that compellingly communicate her character’s emotional duress..."
Chicago Sun Times
None of the six, though, stands out more than Willis-Sørensen, who combines suitable power with an impressive range of nuanced timbral shadings that compellingly communicate her character’s emotional duress..."
Chicago Sun Times
“Rachel Willis-Sørensen brought some much-needed dignity to the proceedings as Elisabeth… conveying the despair of Elisabeth’s Act V aria with sensitive and affecting vocalism..."
Chicago Classical Review
“Sørensen has a powerful soprano that is nimble and clear up to the highest notes. The acting is also very good between Guerrero and Sørensen. Their relationship comes across as passionate and tortured without veering into dreaded maudlin.”
Third Coast Review
"The American soprano is a smart musician with a statuesque presence and a voice capable of silvery delicacy as well as considerable dramatic heft.”
Chicago on the aisle
“Rachel Willis-Sørensen brought a comparable intensity to her farewell aria. She reinforced the elegiac elements of ‘Toi qui sus le néant’ with her graceful phrasing, thoughtful pauses and subtle dynamics..."
Seen and Heard International
“Willis-Sorensen was something to hear. Her voluminous soprano is round and glowing and graced by exceptional dynamic control..."
Opera News
Rachel Willis-Sørensen verkörpert wie in der Premiere vor einem halben Jahr mit traumhaft schönem, gehaltvollem Sopran eine wunderbare anteilnehmende Ellen Orford, die eine starke Frau an Peters Seite geworden wäre.
Süddeutsche Zeitung