Mimì/La Bohème
In the first Tête à Tête, Jonas Kaufmann shows what he can do in terms of acting and vocal skill. Rachel Willis-Sørensen immediately counters this as Mimi with the same high level of singing. It ends in the duet of flaming love Tu sol comandi, amore! - Only love should command us. Very nicely sung and acted!
Klassik Begeistert
“Im ersten Tête à Tête zeigt Jonas Kaufmann was er spielerisch und gesanglich kann, was er draufhat. Umgehend kontert Rachel Willis-Sørensen als Mimi das sängerisch auf demselben hohen Niveau. Es mündet im Duett der entbrennenden Liebe Tu sol comandi, amore! – Nur die Liebe soll uns befehlen. Sehr schön gesungen und gespielt!”
[In the first Tête à Tête, Jonas Kaufmann shows what he can do in terms of acting and vocal skill. Rachel Willis-Sørensen immediately counters this as Mimi with the same high level of singing. It ends in the duet of flaming love Tu sol comandi, amore! – Only love should command us. Very nicely sung and acted!]
“Im dritten Akt dann Mimi Rachel Willis-Sørensen, die Rodolfo sucht. Stimmlich eindringlich und so gut gespielt.”
[In the third act, Mimi Rachel Willis-Sørensen is looking for Rodolfo. Her singing had a sense of urgency and she acted so well.]